How to update a cPanel License Key
When installing cPanel a Trial license is activated and you will need to assign a cPanel License Key to use it when the trial period
When installing cPanel a Trial license is activated and you will need to assign a cPanel License Key to use it when the trial period
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Instructions Three steps are required: ssh to server wget sh install sh You’re done! CentOS Instructions This section explains how to
We live in an age where software needs to always be up to date. You can avoid huge pain and hassle by always keeping your
To setup a CRON in Virtualmin, you use the Webmin portion of the interface. This tutorial covers how to setup a Cron job. Cron is
If you came here to upgrade CentOS 7’s PHP to version PHP 8.0/8.1, you’re at the right place. The new documentation doesn’t mention CentOS 7
Webmin just stops working and when you try to access the site in a browser you get the following message: This site can’t be reached
Background To adjust the PHP memory limit using Virtualmin, do the following: 1. Log into Virtualmin 2. From the dropdown at the top, choose the
Introduction To use a primary/secondary (aka master/slave) name server configuration with Virtualmin / Webmin, you need a few things but it’s super easy: 1. A
You’re busy troubleshooting Webmin, e.g., it stopped again out of the blue. You tail -f miniserv.error and you notice an error. Probably unrelated but you’re
Whilst trying to install / renew a Let’s Encrypt certificate on a Drupal 7 site running on a Virtualmin server, you get the following message: