How can I see how big my WHM backup is?
Background Determining the size of a WHM backup is not entirely straightforward. For example, it’s not displayed in the daily report or in the UI.
Background Determining the size of a WHM backup is not entirely straightforward. For example, it’s not displayed in the daily report or in the UI.
Background If you find that your Amazon S3 backups are working perfectly in the default US Zones, but fails in EU London zone, then try
Background DD is an incredibly powerful Linux Utility that allows you to copy disks, partitions, and files from one place to another. This article explains
Background There are various ways of backing up and restoring your WordPress website, including using a WordPress Plugin or directly from a control panel such
Backing Up To backup a MySQL database from the command line, use the mysqldump command and pip the output to a file. For example: mysqldump
The syntax is straightforward: mysqldump -uusername -ppassword database_name >
On your MySQL Server doing backups you get: Backups Failing: Dumping MySQL database database_name …. dump failed! mysqldump: Couldn’t execute ‘show events’: Cannot proceed because