How to upgrade from php 7.3 to 7.4 or 8.0 on an Ubuntu 18.04 server
When facing the decision to upgrade an Ubuntu 18.04 server, you basically have two choices: Lower Risk Scenario 1. Upgrade just PHP. The hero in
When facing the decision to upgrade an Ubuntu 18.04 server, you basically have two choices: Lower Risk Scenario 1. Upgrade just PHP. The hero in
In a hurry to upgrade from Ubuntu 18.04 to 20.04, because, you can? Final question, and don’t phone a friend. Do you have a backup?
Background On a newly installed Virtualmin server you might see events complaining about a missing config file for filter.d/sshd-ddos as per below: Jul 13 19:57:35
Background Hyper-V server with fresh Ubuntu installed. Disk was set to 25GB on install, and LVM was chosen. This procedure works for any Ubuntu file
Background Getting SNMP working on Ubuntu 18.04 can be a challenge. The reason is the default SNMP configuration file contains so many entries it’s totally
This quick guide will show you how to set up an NGINX and UncomplicatedFirewall on an Ubuntu Server Update Packages to bring your system up
As of Ubuntu 18.04 the default network stack uses something called Netplan. To see which version of Ubuntu you have, do cat /etc/issue. If you