How to swop between different PHP versions on an Apple Mac
Follow the procedure in blue: ➜ project git:(master) php -v
Follow the procedure in blue: ➜ project git:(master) php -v
Background At times WHM hosted WordPress sites may complain when checking security. “Some modules are not installed” The list typically looks like this: exif fileinfo
Background We recently encountered a heavily used Virtualmin server with many powerful Elementor websites. What turns out happening is quite a few of the sites
This article describes the PHP execution modes present in a Virtualmin installation. We’ve extracted some of the information from the help bubble provided by Virtualmin
When facing the decision to upgrade an Ubuntu 18.04 server, you basically have two choices: Lower Risk Scenario 1. Upgrade just PHP. The hero in
Background At times you might want to avoid certificate checking when developing a PHP application and using file_get_contents. If file_get_contents can’t work the the certificate
PHP debugging can involve outputting to a log file. Although modern frameworks like Laravel has this baked in, sometimes you just want something short and
Description Here is a code snippet to work out the date of the last Sunday: echo date(‘Y-m-d’,strtotime(‘last sunday’)); Reference
Background Keeping track of file downloads is quite tricky. On the one hand, you have tools such as Google Analytics that gives you everything and
You might get the following error after having done `yum install php72-php-gd` on a Virtualmin server because of a missing library: PHP Warning: PHP Startup: