Github Boilerplate for New Repositories
Create a new repository on the command line echo “# github-new-repo-template” >> git init git add git commit -m “first commit” git branch
Create a new repository on the command line echo “# github-new-repo-template” >> git init git add git commit -m “first commit” git branch
Background Typically .gitignore is used to ignore files – but what do you do when you want to include files? The trick when including files
In the following workflow: git remote add origin https://[email protected]/repo/app.git You might encounter this error: fatal: remote origin already exists. Do this: git remote set-url origin
Issue: You’re trying to find some text in a local repo on Github. You’re confused because the big search bar at the top left seems
First do: git config credential.helper store Then do: git pull Warning: The storage format is a .git-credentials file, stored in plain-text! You might want to do
Given you have the following workflow: A local PC or Mac with PhpStorm A remote server where all your staging/production files are stored Your aim
Whilst doing a git pull command that always worked, you see a new error: username@host application]$ git pull Updating 4a81dc8..fe35c1a error: Your local changes to
Issue: You’ve just taken over a website after the 2nd service provider let the client down. Usual problem, the developer’s communication is terrible. Determine the
git checkout branch_name Your code is instantly in a different branch.
Given the following setup: Mac/PC PhpStorm Git enabled on local directory Using Laravel Valet You publish your changes to Github by using VCS menu, Commit,