How to vacuum journalctl
How to free up space if your Linux journal (combined log file) is taking up a lot of space On some systems /var/log might be
How to free up space if your Linux journal (combined log file) is taking up a lot of space On some systems /var/log might be
Use the following flags to order a directory listing by date in forward order: ls -lat To show a directory listing in reverse order, use
Try this command first too change your hostname: hostnamectl set-hostname newhostname Exit the terminal, and come back in. If that doesn’t work, also check the
Problem: After your system has started, you need a script to run always. Solution: On a typical Linux system you can simply created an /etc/rc.local
Problem: You need to make sure that your disks are 100% redundant. Solution: A popular way on Linux to do this is DRBD. Here are
Problem: You need to know if your DRBD and OCFS2 disk fault tolerance has been setup correctly but the configuration options are overwhelming. Solution: See
Issue: You want to copy files from your local computer to a remote server. On the remote server you don’t have root access. Or maybe
Issue: You’ve installed Debian but during the installation you didn’t specify a good DNS server, or Debian didn’t pick up any of the sources you
To see which version of Linux Mint you are using, issue the following command: user@host ~ $ cat /etc/issue Linux Mint 19.1 Tessa \n \l
Issue: You’re trying to update Linux Mint 18.x to the latest 18.x version. You google that there is a program called Mintupdate, which is supposed