How to set up OpenVPN on Mikrotik


Setting up OpenVPN on MikroTik should not be a mission. Unfortunately the problem doesn’t lie so much with MikroTik, but rather with the sheer amount of work to get an OpenVPN server (and client) going. Technically, you have to keep track of many things and you generally can’t get them wrong at any point.

In summary we have about this:

  • Server work to generate and sign server certificates
  • Client work to generate and sign a client certificate
  • Exporting of these certificates
  • Setting up a the OpenVPN client on Mac or PC

Thankfully due to the magic of the internet we have a great reference framework (a GIST), that shows us most of the heavy lifting. Except, I tried it, and, it didn’t work! So this article is about using this reference, and making it work. I used this guide as the starting point and then troubleshooted it until I got it going:

Here are some of the challenges we found using this script:

  • Deleting certificates after making a mistake is hard, e.g. this doesn’t always just work:
    • /certificate
    • /print
    • rem 0
    • rem 0
  • How to output global variables  after assignment
  • Removed the need for :delay
  • Confusing I  for invalid when it’s actually ISSUED
  • The cipher commands in the example didn’t work: `cipher=aes128,aes192,aes256`, so we used all those with -cbc appended instead. The client side had -cbc in anyway! Maybe “something” has changed 🙂
  • For client side, we dropped the global `CN` variable.
  • The Export commands simply disappearing on the console
  • MikroTik WebFig refusing the download files on a Mac, simply displaying Unconfirmed Download
  • Not understanding where by /interface/ in the UI there is no OpenVPN server
  • On Mac, getting sorry, unsupported options present in configuration: UNKNOWN/UNSUPPORTED OPTIONS
    • Not knowing to find “connection logs” for more details
      • Find it and finding out all these options do not exist
        • persist-key
        • persist-tun
        • pull
        • mute
  • Using the script’s DNS server, instead of
  • Finally getting connected, but dealing with routing and NAT/MASQ issues

Server Side

Step 1 – Global Variables

:global CN [/system identity get name]
:global COUNTRY "ZA"
:global STATE "WC"
:global LOC "Cape Town"
:global ORG "Vander Host"
:global OU ""
:global KEYSIZE "2048"

## function to wait a certain amount of time after generation
:global waitSec do={:return ($KEYSIZE * 10 / 1024)}

Step 2 – Generate the CA Certificate

## generate the CA certificate
add name=ca-template country="$COUNTRY" state="$STATE" locality="$LOC" \
  organization="$ORG" unit="$OU" common-name="$CN" key-size="$KEYSIZE" \
  days-valid=3650 key-usage=crl-sign,key-cert-sign
# the sign command below took 8 seconds on our system
sign ca-template ca-crl-host= name="$CN"
:delay [$waitSec]

Step 3 – Generate the Server Certificate

## generate the server certificate
add name=server-template country="$COUNTRY" state="$STATE" locality="$LOC" \
  organization="$ORG" unit="$OU" common-name="server@$CN" key-size="$KEYSIZE" \
  days-valid=3650 key-usage=digital-signature,key-encipherment,tls-server
# the sign command below also took about 8 seconds on our system
sign server-template ca="$CN" name="server@$CN"
:delay [$waitSec]

Step 4 – Create a Client Template

## create a client template
add name=client-template country="$COUNTRY" state="$STATE" locality="$LOC" \
  organization="$ORG" unit="$OU" common-name="client" \
  key-size="$KEYSIZE" days-valid=3650 key-usage=tls-client

At this point the print command should show you that you have three items.

Step 5 – Create the IP Pool

## create IP pool
/ip pool
add name=VPN-POOL ranges=

Step 6 – Add a VPN profile

## add VPN profile
/ppp profile
add dns-server= local-address= name=VPN-PROFILE \
  remote-address=VPN-POOL use-encryption=yes

Step 7 – Set up the OpenVPN Server

## setup OpenVPN server
/interface ovpn-server server
set auth=sha1 certificate="server@$CN" cipher=aes128-cbc,aes192-cbc,aes256-cbc \
  default-profile=VPN-PROFILE enabled=yes mode=ip netmask=24 port=1194 \

Step 8 – Set up a firewall rule

## add a firewall rule
/ip firewall filter
add chain=input dst-port=1194 protocol=tcp comment="Allow OpenVPN"

Client Side (User Creation)

Step 1 – Set global variables

:global USERNAME "user"
:global PASSWORD "secret"

Step 2 – Create a user using these variables

## add the user with the credentials created above
/ppp secret
add name=$USERNAME password=$PASSWORD profile=VPN-PROFILE service=ovpn

Step 3 – Generate a Client Certificate

## generate a client certificate
add name=client-template-to-issue copy-from="client-template" \
# the sign command below took around 20 seconds to complete on my system
sign client-template-to-issue ca="$CN" name="$USERNAME@$CN"
:delay 20

Step 4 – Export the CA, Client Certificate, and Private Key

Strange behavior below, export-certificate simply clears the console text!

## export the CA, client certificate, and private key
export-certificate "$CN" export-passphrase=""
export-certificate "$USERNAME@$CN" export-passphrase="$PASSWORD"

On your workstation

SFTP the files

sftp admin@MikroTik_IP:cert_export_\*

The amount of files always confuses me, but there are three:

  • The CA Certificate
  • The Client Certificate
  • The Private Key

Once you have the files, create two new files:


The above file is just your username and password, one item on each line.


The above filename should contain the following (note commented out options):

dev tun
proto tcp-client
remote a.b.c.d 1194
cipher aes-256-cbc
auth SHA1
verb 2
#mute 3

# Create a file 'user.auth' with a username and a password
# cat << EOF > user.auth
# user
# password
auth-user-pass user.auth

# Copy the certificates from MikroTik and change
# the filenames below if needed
ca cert_export_server.crt
cert cert_export_username@server.crt
key cert_export_username@server.key

# Add routes to networks behind MikroTik



/sbin/route add -net -netmask
add net gateway
/sbin/route add -net -netmask
route: writing to routing socket: File exists
add net gateway File exists

A masquerade rule seemed to work but then we got Ajax unsafe error.

Checking the OpenVPN log on a Mac

tail -f ~/Library/Application\ Support/OpenVPN\ Connect/log/ovpn.log


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