Override cPanel & WHM requires a minimum of 2048 MB of available RAM

Whilst trying to install DNS Only, you run into this annoying RAM warning:

2024-10-09 05:51:15 370 [5358] ( INFO): Checking RAM now...
2024-10-09 05:51:15 375 [5358] (ERROR): cPanel & WHM requires a minimum of 2048 MB of available RAM for your operating system. Your system only has 1107 MB available. We recommend that you increase the total RAM on your system.
2024-10-09 05:51:15 46 [5358] ( INFO): cPanel is here to help! Our technical KnowledgeBase and cPanel Community is just a click away at https://support.cpanel.net/
2024-10-09 05:51:15 376 [5358] (FATAL): Increase the server's total amount of RAM, and then reinstall cPanel & WHM.

As an experienced system administrator you know that actually a basic BIND and web server doesn’t need anywhere near 2 GB RAM, so you decide to investigate. It turns out you can override the broken behavior with these steps:

sh latest-dns-only --keep
cd installd

Look for this in Installer.pm:

INFO("Checking RAM now...");
my $total_memory = $self->get_total_memory();
my $minmemory = 2_048;

Change the 2_048 above to 1_024 or even 512 if you have less RAM.

Add a swap file (e.g. 1GB):

dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1024 count=1048576
chmod 600 /swapfile
mkswap /swapfile
swapon /swapfile
vi /etc/fstab [/swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0]

Now you can continue the installation:



If your installation now continues on AlmaLinux 9 and it suddently freezes, and you were here:

2024-10-09 06:00:03 716 [5933] ( INFO): The system set the clock to: Wed Oct 9 06:00:03 2024
2024-10-09 06:00:03 726 [5933] ( INFO): The system changed the clock by 0 seconds.
2024-10-09 06:00:03 751 [5933] (DEBUG): - ssystem [BEGIN]: ps -U nscd -h 2>/dev/null || /sbin/service nscd start
2024-10-09 06:00:03 751 [5933] (DEBUG): Redirecting to /bin/systemctl start nscd.service
2024-10-09 06:00:03 751 [5933] (DEBUG): Failed to start nscd.service: Unit nscd.service not found.
2024-10-09 06:00:03 751 [5933] (ERROR): - ssystem [EXIT_CODE] 'ps -U nscd -h 2>/dev/null || /sbin/service nscd start' exited with 5
2024-10-09 06:00:03 751 [5933] (DEBUG): - ssystem [END]

This could be because you’re out of RAM. Check if the swap file is working properly with free -m.



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